LAVC Graduate

Outreach & Recruitment


Los Angeles Valley College is currently offering both in-person and remote/ online services. If you need to reach us, please use our online services below. We ask for your patience as we are working hard to serve all students.

The office of Outreach & Recruitment can be reached via email: @email and/ or via zoom: CLICK HERE (zoom hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm and Fridays 8:00am - 1:00pm) Need help using Zoom? CLICK HERE

Please note: While we do our best to keep this information current, items below are subject to change without notice, please contact each department directly for more information.


The Admissions & Records office can be contacted in-person or via their Live Chat Help Desks, CLICK HERE

Admissions & Records office webpage, CLICK HERE

Applying to Los Angeles Valley College for the first time or need to reapply? CLICK HERE

There are two types of applications: College and Non-Credit. You would click on the Noncredit Application button to enroll in non-credit zero unit courses only, all other students will click on the College Application.

Helpful YouTube Video with step-by-step tutorial on filling out an LAVC Application, CLICK HERE or application walkthrough PDF, CLICK HERE

Please note: OpenCCC is where students can apply to any California Community College, you will still need to apply specifically to Los Angeles Valley College after creating an Open CCC account.

If the student has not attended a LACCD college in the last year (last two major semesters, Fall and Spring) they will need to reapply. Applying to any of the LACCD colleges below will allow the student to enroll at any LACCD college, they will not need to reapply to each college. Colleges in the LACCD district:

  • Los Angeles Valley College
  • Los Angeles Pierce College
  • Los Angeles City College
  • East Los Angeles College
  • Los Angeles Harbor College
  • Los Angeles Mission College
  • Los Angeles Southwest College
  • Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
  • West Los Angeles College

Students may search for classes online, CLICK HERE or in their Student Portal, CLICK HERE

Students will add classes in their Student Portal, CLICK HERE

Helpful YouTube video on how to search, add, and drop classes:

English: CLICK HERE and Español: HAGA CLIC AQUÍ

Please note: It is the student’s responsibility to drop classes before the last date to drop to avoid fee’s and receiving a letter grade. Please check each class for each class specific drop dates, these dates can be found under each class in the searchable class schedule, CLICK HERE. Dates students want to keep a close eye on are:

  1. Last date to enroll with a permission number
  2. Last date to drop this class without a “W”
  3. Last date to drop this class with a “W”
  4. Last date to drop with a refund/ no fee owed

Once the semester has begun, the student will need to obtain a permission number from the instructor - the student will be unable to add a class that has already begun without a permission number, only the instructor can provide the student with a permission number if they are still accepting students into their class.

Search for the instructor’s email, in the Faculty & Staff Directory - the student can login to their student portal and click on "Manage Classes". Look for the class the professor is teaching then click on the blue highlighted link under "Class". Then click "Meeting Information" on the left and the student will be able to click on their professor's name and send them an email. Or hoover over the professors name and their email will show at the bottom left of the screen.

Once the student is given a permission number by the instructor, here is a video on how to add using a permission number, CLICK HERE

If the student is trying to add a class after the last day to add a class using a permission number, the student would need to contact their Professor for a Permission Number & Attendance Verification add card. Once the instructor provides the add card to the student, the student will need to visit the Admissions Live Chat windows and provide the add card along with a photo ID. If the instructor does not have a Permission Number & Attendance Verification add card, the instructor should contact faculty services.

It is the student’s responsibility to meet any prerequisites for a class. A prerequisite is a requirement that a student demonstrates current readiness to enroll in a particular course or program. Prerequisites are listed in the Schedule of Classes and Course Catalog.

Students may use official or unofficial transcripts to clear prerequisites based on classes taken at California colleges and universities. Prerequisites cannot be cleared based on high school credit, high school transcripts,or high school counselor recommendation​.

If the student feels they meet a prerequisite for a class, from their student LACCD email address, send an email to @email and include:

  1. Last Name, First Name
  2. LACCD Student ID Number
  3. Course(s) for which they are attempting to enroll
  4. Course(s) on their transcript which they believe meet the prerequisite(s)
  5. Contact phone number
  6. Attach their unofficial transcript. The transcript must include the college/ university name and the students name

The student’s LACCD email can be found in their Student Portal. Helpful YouTube video on how to access the students LACCD email address, CLICK HERE

If the student is in grades K-8, please contact and indicate that you are inquiring about enrollment for a K-8 student (this email is for K-8 students only)

For more information on K-8 students, CLICK HERE



In addition to submitting an application to Los Angeles Valley College, students in grades 9-12 need to submit a Dual-Enrollment form (aka K12 form). More information on this form and dual-enrollment at Los Angeles Valley College, CLICK HERE


Effective December 1, 2020, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) will be changing its Online Transcript Order and Fulfillment Service Provider to Parchment. Students may order an official LACCD transcript online, 24/7 through the following three sites:

  1. Go directly to Parchment at
  2. Click the Academic Records tile on your homepage, or
  3. At your home college’s website Transcript page

In 2017, LACCD transitioned from nine college specific transcripts to a single district transcript for all nine colleges. If you attended one or more LACCD Colleges since 1974 and beyond, please place the transcript order at the last LACCD College you attended. The LACCD transcript will reflect both credit and noncredit courses completed at any of the nine LACCD Colleges.

The LACCD consists of the following nine California Community Colleges:

  • Los Angeles City College (LACC)
  • East Los Angeles College (ELAC)
  • Los Angeles Harbor College (LAHC)
  • Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC)
  • Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC)
  • Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC)
  • Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC)
  • Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC)
  • West Los Angeles College (WLAC)

The regular transcript fee is $3.00 (ten business days or less for processing) and rush/emergency service is $10.00 (processed within two business days upon request) per transcript plus a processing fee of $2.75. The rate is the same for either a paper transcript or electronic transcript request. For the first three months, Parchment will waive the $2.75 processing fee for all online orders. This introductory offer will expire on February 28, 2021!

Students may track their transcript order at

For more information on how to order Official Transcripts/ Verification of Enrollment from LAVC, Click Here

Resources and Services

Students can request their College, University, and/ or High School to send their PDF transcripts to @email. This email will only accept transcripts from Parchment, Credential Solution and National Student Clearing House. If the student emails this email or if another service/ person emails this email, the transcript will not be received.

Alternately, students can request for their College, University, and/ or High School to physically mail their official transcript to LAVC. Please note: we cannot accept college transcripts mailed to us by the student or any other individual. The transcript MUST arrive from your College, University, and/ or High School directly. Please have your College, University, and/ or High School mail your transcript to:

Los Angeles Valley College
Attn: Admissions & Records
5800 Fulton Avenue,
Valley Glen, CA 91401

Admissions and Records accepts petitions for:

  1. Petition to Withdraw from Class(es)
  2. Enrollment Priority/ California College Promise Grant Loss Appeal
  3. Course Repetition Petition
  4. General Petition *please contact Admissions
  5. Waiver of Dismissal

How to submit your petition:

  1. Fill out the petition
  2. Attach your personal statement and required supporting documentation
  3. Email, from your student LACCD email account, the petition and documentation to @email

The student’s LACCD email can be found in their Student Portal. Helpful YouTube video on how to access the students LACCD email address, CLICK HERE

A California resident for tuition purposes, is a person who has resided in California for at least one year and one day prior to the start of the term. Residency is determined at the time of application. To appeal your initial residency determination, you must submit a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) along with supporting documents including documents that determine whether you are financially independent or (if qualified) AB 540 form. Student’s residency status determines fees and eligibility for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG).

To request your residency be re-evaluated, please:

  1. Download and complete a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) or (if qualified) AB 540 form.
  2. Collect and attach at least two forms of proof of residency if submitting a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire (SRQ)
  3. Email, from your student LACCD email address, your a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) and residency documentation OR (if qualified) AB 540 form to @email

The student’s LACCD email can be found in their Student Portal. Helpful YouTube video on how to access the students LACCD email address, CLICK HERE

More information on residency, please visit:

To update a student’s status from high school student to high school graduate, the student will need to contact Admissions.

The student will need to submit:

  1. Student Educational Status Change form
  2. A copy of their photo ID
  3. Copy of their transcripts and/ or diploma

For the fastest and most immediate way to update to their record, please visit the Admissions Live Chat Help Desks, CLICK HERE

A second option is to email the Educational Status Change Form to Admissions. Keep in mind, it may take some time to get processed via this route. The student will email from their student LACCD email with the Student Educational Status Change Form, a copy of their photo ID, and a copy of their transcripts and/or diploma.

The student’s LACCD email can be found in their Student Portal. Helpful YouTube video on how to access the students LACCD email address, CLICK HERE

Contact Resources

Students can update their contact information, such as email, phone number, and mailing address in their Student Portal. In the Student Portal homepage, click on the profile tile.

Please visit Continuing Education office to view non-credit ESL courses available for the term. There are courses available for different times of the days. After selecting a course that fits the students schedule, the student will log into their portal at and register for the class under the Manage Classes tab.

Counseling can be reached, CLICK HERE On this page, you will find upcoming zoom sessions and live chat options for students with general questions.
If you need to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a counselor, CLICK HERE or students can attend a first semester Student Educational Planning (SEP) session, CLICK HERE

Helpful video on how to view and update your Student Educational Plan on your Student Portal, CLICK HERE

Make sure that the student has a placement for math and/or English on their account first. If they do not, they will be unable to add a math and/or English class.
An easy way to check the student’s math and/or English placement would be for the student to login to their Student Portal and click on Student Status, then click on Assessment Result.
If the student does not have a placement, the student will need to fill out this form, AB 705 Form and email it to @email from their student LACCD email address.

The student’s LACCD email can be found in their Student Portal. Helpful YouTube video on how to access the students LACCD email address, CLICK HERE

The Financial Aid office can be reached in one of these ways:

In-person at the Financial Aid office located in the Student Services Center building
By Live Chat Help Desks, CLICK HERE
Los Angeles Valley College Financial Aid office website, CLICK HERE
tep-by-step walkthrough of how to complete the 2020-2021 FAFSA application, CLICK HERE

College Resources

More information on the Promise, CLICK HERE
How to apply, CLICK HERE or email:

If the student is having trouble logging into their online canvas class, contact our Virtual Valley Help Desk! CLICK HERE
Step-by-step video on how to use Canvas: CLICK HERE
FAQ for Canvas: CLICK HERE

If the student is signing in for the first time and needs help, please contact the Welcome Center for assistance or join the Welcome Center Cranium Cafe Lobby Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 6:30pm and Fridays 8:00am - 1:00pm
Helpful video on how to navigate the Student Portal for the first time, CLICK HERE

Before checking to see if the student needs to reset their password, first try following the directions for re-setting their password or signing in for the first-time.
First, try re-setting the student’s password. Helpful YouTube video on how to reset a student’s password, CLICK HERE
Secondly, try using the option of signing in for the first time. We recently changed our student system and this may be the reason the student is unable to login. Please try logging into the Student Portal using the directions provided, CLICK HERE. YouTube video on how to login to the student’s student portal for the first time, CLICK HERE

If above two option do not work, the student can call the LAVC Student Support at (818) 938-8418 to help reset their password or email @email and include the students full name, student ID number, and date of birth (DDMMYY). Please only use this option if the student has already tried signing into their account using the first two options provided above.

Once the students password is reset, the student will need to try logging into the Student Portal using the directions provided as a first time user, CLICK HERE. YouTube video on how to login to the student’s student portal for the first time, CLICK HERE


Each instructor will provide the list of books the class will require in their class syllabus. The class syllabus is provided to the student at the start of semester by the instructor. Some instructors may email the student the class syllabus in advance, however, they are not required to do so.

Students may also check online to see if the instructor has submitted which textbooks they will be using to our LAVC campus bookstore. Please visit our Monarch Bookstore Online then follow the directions under "Course Materials"


The Audit process is initiated by the instructor by using an Audit Permit Card. The student would contact the professor to ask for permission to Audit their class. If the instructor allows, they would provide the Audit Permit Card and after collecting it back from the student, the instructor would send it to the faculty services email using their employee email account.

The Audit Permit Card can only be issued to faculty, Admissions cannot provide this card to the student. All transactions should be made using LACCD email accounts. Admissions will accept the Audit Permit Card as an Adobe signed form during this time.


HiSET (High School Equivalency Test) & GED (General Education Development /General Education Diploma) at LAVC:

The GED test is for adults who do not have a high school diploma. Those who pass the test receive a California High School Equivalency Certificate. The GED test is made up of 4 subjects, broken into separate exams. The student does not have to take all tests at once - they can space them out and go at their own pace.

The HiSET is an affordable alternative to the GED test. For more information about the HiSET test, visit:

For more information on the HiSET and GED at Los Angeles Valley College, please, CLICK HERE

Please note: While we do our best to keep this information current, items above are subject to change without notice, please contact each department directly for more information


Office Hours:

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Email: @email
Zoom (during office hours): CLICK HERE or Meeting ID: 925-5451-1030
Need help using Zoom? CLICK HERE